3 Simple Tips To Keep Your Child Fit
Is your child playful and active enough? Are you concerned that your child does not move around or play as much as he should? Here are simple tips to keep your child fit and healthy.
Balanced diet
A balanced diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, rice, wheat and cereals. It is important for children to get all the nutrients and nourishment so that they carry out their daily routine of school and play smoothly. We are what we eat. We Indians are blessed with a tradition of consuming a balanced diet by virtue of habit .We are following the way shown by our ancestors when it comes to taking wholesome meals. This concept of balanced diet is losing its value day by day.
Our hectic lives make us run around the clock. With both parents working in most cases, very limited time is dedicated to eating healthy meals. It may be due to lack of time or appetite. This is a bad practice and it leads to indigestion, ulcers and other complications. Parents play a huge role in managing this balanced diet concept. They have to ensure that children are aware of the long lasting benefits of eating healthy.
An active life
Nowadays children are getting addicted to smart phones and various gadgets. These devices have made them immobile and lethargic. Sitting idle for a long time in front of the computer or a device results in physical troubles like back pain and piles. The number of hours our children spend in front of screens should be minimum. They should undertake at least one physical activity to keep their body in a healthy condition. Children should be given an opportunity to learn new skills and hobbies. They should spend more time outdoors than confining themselves to social media and the virtual world.
Positive attitude
We should teach our children to have a positive attitude as it makes them happy and cheerful always. Since sound body and sound mind go together we should see that they imbibe the right attitude. Proper counseling can encourage children to work hard and succeed in all their aspirations.
When children develop a positive attitude they can concentrate on their well-being better. They will try to avoid bad habits and will give attention to their eating habits. Spend sufficient time in playing and doing exercises will have control over their body weight. We need to break the vicious circle of overeating, worrying about it and again consuming excessive food. As responsible parents, we should make our kids aware of the ill-effects of an inactive life and guide them to take care of their physical and mental health.
Antony Samy is a retired Bank Deputy Manager. He lives in Chennai and his hobbies include reading and writing.