Happy New Year
This is my last post this year. An eventful year. A year which was full of change and adapting for me and my family. New environment and new culture which made me re-access parenting skills and change to suit the new land.
Such is the way of life. Fluid. One cannot pre-decide how and what to do. Motherhood and parenting, especially, needs constant change control and versioning.
Here I am, a staunch believer in Indian Education system, now trying to home-school the preschool who wont go to kindergarten till the age of 5 in this new place. It takes a lot of patience and discipline but I can proudly say that I taught the kid to write the alphabets, all by myself.
I learnt accepting a lot of attitude shifts in the child, this year too. Calling your elders by name is unacceptable in India. Here we don’t even add a Mr/Miss in front of the name while calling our teacher. So I had to accept it when she would try and call us by names sometimes too. It is confusing. But now I have managed to convince her not to use our names.
On a positive note, she has learnt to make her own decisions in preschool here. She isn’t set by a list of rules. She is always given choices and she decides what she wants to do. Her decisions aren’t always right. Like for e.g Painting teeth maybe a cool idea but practically, a bad idea. She learns to learn from this decisions she makes.
All in all, I have learnt that as parents, it is easier when one is more flexible and ready to change rules as the situation demands. There is a lot of thought that a new parent puts into the parenting but sometimes going with the flow is the only parenting mantra that works.
I am going with the flow. Picking up positives and moving ahead settling into the new place. In the coming year, I am going to call this my home and start to feel at home too.
Here’s to only thing that is constant in life – CHANGE
Happy New Year and God Bless All.
An erstwhile Quality Analyst, Sirisha Achanta, is now a full-time mommy to an adorable 2-year-old girl and a part-time writer. She loves to dance, dream and read a lot!