
Fastest Growing Parenting Community in India


Celebrate Parents’ Day by sharing your Parenting experience!

Hurray! Today is Parents’ Day! A day that celebrates the joys, the magic, the experience, the achievements and the moments of being a parent! Of course, if you’re a parent in real life, this day will whiz past you without a whisper as you will be busy running after your kids, making sure they grow up safe, healthy and happy, and generally being a parent!

Not on our watch! We are ensuring that you pause to revel in your parenthood, and chronicle the best of your experiences related to raising a tiny part of you to adulthood, and not losing your sanity in the process. We can go on and on about how wonderful parents are, but instead, this Parents’ Day, we are passing the mic over to you.

Blog about your best parenting moments for Parentous! Share the moments that made the whole journey worthwhile, moments that will be a part of the highlight reel of your life.


The top 10 blog posts will win assorted books!

Parenthood is considered a thing which makes you speechless, but parents also have some of the most fascinating stories to tell, courtesy the demanding and fulfilling, sometimes(?) exasperating, full time job of being a parent. Your family members, friends and Whatsapp groups might know your tales of parenthood, and now it’s time for them to go public! It could be an early memorable moment when your child called out to you for the first time, or even the time when your child graduated from college or got married! It’s true what they say, there is no end date to being a parent. So dust off your memory book, and celebrate Parents’ Day with Parentous and give a world a peek into your memories. Who knows? You could take home a wonderful book as a prize!

Mandates for this activity:

  1. The word limit for every blog post is a minimum of 400 words.
  2. Please include the line, “I am blogging for the Parents’ Day activity at Parentous in your blogpost for it to be considered valid. ”
  3. Send your blogpost URL to
  4. The last date for submission of this blogpost is midnight, 8th June 2016.
  5. One blogger can write a maximum of 2 blogposts for this activity.

Why just Parents’ Day? We’re celebrating Parents’ Week with this activity, and we want you to join in, because after all the mountains you move and ravines you cross for your children, you deserve it!