First Day Of School
Humpty was three, time to go to “big kid school’!
A place supposed to be fun and unbelievably cool!
Where there was so much to do, so much to learn,
And the teachers were friendly and not at all stern.
Where there were snacks to be eaten and games to be played,
Stuff to be explored and friends to be made.
For weeks, we brain-washed him and we talked and prepped
Him about everything (except kids who wailed and who wept).
So the big day dawned, bright and sunny and clear,
Our big boy was fine, after all his parents were near.
He listened to his teachers and looked around the place,
A look of purpose and importance written all over his face.
Shoulders squared, eyes filled with pride and joy,
He was a baby no more, but a big school-going boy!
The scholastic career seemed quite well-starred,
We heaved a sigh of relief and let down our guard.
The next morning I woke him and put away his teddy,
“School today, remember darling! You have to get ready!”
He grabbed back his bear and turned his face away,
“School? Again? Why, I already went yesterday!”
Anandam’s Bio:
I’m a working mother of two,
Add hubby and work; that makes it four!
Sometimes logic flies out the window
Common sense flies out the door.
But sometimes it’s like a fairy tale
All golden sunshine and laughter
We start at Once Upon a Time
And end in Happily Ever After.
And then it happens, I wake up
And the day starts all over again
Giving rise to all those moments
That inspire my garrulous pen!
Little actions, words, and thoughts
That froth and bubble and lather,
Precious moments and memories
That I carefully collect and gather.
Many of these moments
Disappear in the fog,
Others are captured
Here and in my blog