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Not A List Mom!

The first ever post on Parentous, I remember was by Smita Prakash on being a ‘list mom’. All the mothers, and fathers too would have agreed with the post. Unless they happened to be like me. I abhor lists – with all my heart. But here’s the conundrum – I cannot really do without them – or at least some manner of them.

Not A List Mom!

And that indeed is the biggest bane in my life – my fear of making lists or anything that requires me to spell out all the unending things that need to be done. Sure I keep reminders – in my mind, on my phone, in small chits of paper somewhere in my purse, in planners that my daughter uses as scribble pads! But these are hastily jotted to-dos scattered all over the place. Heaven forbid that I put them in one place in a coherent manner – I would probably freeze in fear. Other than my professional commitments, which are crystal clear in my head – everything else is a merry haze!

Which invariably means I slip up. More times than would count as statistically normal. I routine pay late fee fines at Kidlet’s school because I remember what the last date is till just a day before the last date (Oh yes, my old friend procrastination comes in handy too). I could easily mix up the ‘newspaper’ and ‘show and tell’ dates at school – had my daughter not been a stickler for dates and duties!

But hey, I have still not been the mom who has sent her daughter to school on a holiday (like someone I know has!) and I don’t need a list to tell me that Friday is ‘junk food’ day. Honestly, I think I manage pretty well without lists. I have a handy phone in which I can easily put in reminders and calendar entries. It really helps since everything gets spaced out electronically and is not staring down at me, numbered one to a hundred!

But there are some days – like today for instance – when I do appreciate the availability of a list. That’s simply because I had a nightmare yesterday wherein I had forgotten everything that I needed to do and was spinning around in circles whilst my daughter screamed in terror. Too realistic and close to the truth these nightmares are I tell you!

Anyways, this morning while I was still within the sheets I opened my reminder app on the phone and listed down, yes listed down – every single thing that needed to be done today. And the best thing that I did was to set a time for each of these reminders – so that I can get reminded of one thing to do at a time – and not the entire pitara of tasks! This may seem like the best thing that I have done for myself in a long long while (apart from figuring out how to order groceries online) and I am super kicked. May be I am on my way to becoming a list mom. Even if it is a micro-mini list mom. Who knows?

PS : Do you have special tips to stay organized in your life? Do share!

Nidhi Dorairaj Bruce is a Freelance writer from Mumbai. With no formal education in Parenting, she has been getting on-the-job training ever since her daughter, affectionately referred to as ‘the kidlet’, arrived on the scene 5 years ago. On Twitter, you can connect with Nidhi @typewritermom